Episode 10 – Catching Up

Hello Hello,

It's been five months since our last podcast, but! we're back. In Episode 10 we catch you up on all the wooly things we have been up to since our last podcast.

You can find the episode on Youtube here.

Until next time (which hopefully won't be as long as last time)!



Jennifer's cabled cardigan – Mistigri Cardigan by Orlane Sucche

Jennifer's colorwork sweater – Stella by Maureen Clark

Vivian's big shawl – Penicuik by Justyna Lorkowska

Vivian's little shawl – Triangular Shawl Recipe by Franciose Danoy


Jennifer's bubble sweater – The Bubble Sweater by Stephen West

Other things we mention:

Elizabeth Zimmermann's cast-off that Jennifer uses on the neck of her blue colorwork sweater is in Knitting Without Tears (Page 23).

Aroha Knits (Franciose Danoy)' shawl challenge that Vivian will be participating in – 5 Shawls, 5 Days Challenge 

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